
Fiona Rogerson – Perinatal and Trauma Counselling

Preferred providers

The owners of each of these Perth based businesses are dedicated to serving people like you… to empower, strengthen and guide. I highly value the extraordinary work they do to support women in all phases of their perinatal journey.

Alyce Mostert -
Cloth & Carry

Alyce is a mother of three, medical sonographer, and general baby addict. She has owned her online baby boutique since March 2016 (rebranded from Baby Mumma Perth to Cloth and Carry in December 2019) and loves to help families find the right baby carrier and/or cloth nappy for their little people.  Alyce has volunteered on the committee for Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated since October 2018 and completed a Babywearing School Australia Ambassador course in October 2019, with the view to soon become a qualified Baby Wearing Consultant, so she really knows her stuff!   View her range at https://www.clothandcarry.com.au  


Dr. Carrie Rigoni -
Chiropractor, applied kinesiologist and vagus nerve educator

See more of her work at https://www.drcarrierigoni.com.au/ 

Taryn Watson -

Taryn Watson is a Women’s Health & Continence Physiotherapist, with a particular passion for providing pelvic floor friendly exercise options for women in their childbearing years. Since graduating from university in 2007 Taryn has grown her team at FitRight to more than 20 physiotherapists, and has grown the services to include education workshops and education and exercise video resources. Taryn is excited about what the future holds, and hopes that FitRight is changing the face of pregnancy and postnatal exercise. Her aim is that current and future generations of childbearing women will be empowered to keep as fit and active as possible in a way that protects their pelvic floor from unnecessary harm.  Find out more about FitRight’s classes, workshops and resources at https://fitright.physio

Cat Fancote -
Capturing Birth

Creative and passionate, Cat Fancote is a professional birth photographer that has been artfully capturing the beauty and emotion of birth for Perth families since 2015. As a self proclaimed birth nerd and passionate advocate for women’s rights during childbirth, Cat brings her years of experience in the birth space and her supportive manner with her to each birth she attends.  Cat utilises her [self taught] photography skills, knowledge and experience to facilitate birth photography workshops and mentor local photographers and birth workers, as well as facilitating our monthly Birth Circle with me in Perth’s south east.  The stunning birth imagery used throughout this website is Cat’s work.  See more of her work at http://birthphotographyperth.com.au 

Christine Fieldhouse -
Blessing Midwifery Services

Christine is an experienced midwife, nurse and IBCLC lactation consultant, who originally completed her training in the UK and moved her skillset to Perth in 2012.  Here she privately offers a wide array of maternity care services to help support baby and mother. This support comes through expert advice to assist you and your family through all stages of pregnancy, from antenatal care through to postnatal care, including infant feeding and breastfeeding education and support.  Christine’s services are provided both in clinic and in-home, most of which are bulk billed.

Find out more about Christine’s services at https://www.blessingmidwifery.com.au

Shonelle Siegmann -
Naturopathy & Herbal Medicine

Shonelle is a Naturopath. And she likes to keep things real.  Her priority is not only to nurture you now, but to help you take control of your own health for years to come. Her main focus is building healthy bodies for babies, birth, and the challenges and milestones of life as a woman. This includes supporting couples and individuals with reproductive health, preconception care, fertility support and hormonal balance. Nurturing families is also close to her heart, and she works with people of all backgrounds and ages, providing naturopathic health support. Most importantly, she wants you to feel nurtured, electric and alive. To achieve this, she will support you through the breakdowns, breakthroughs and some serious goal kicking. She is an empathic practitioner, direct with her prescribing and she is not your average natural medicine practitioner!  Find out more about her work at www.shonellesiegmann.com

Heather Lindgren -
The Whole Body Coach

Heather Lindgren is a Health and Life Coach with a passion for empowering women. Through her work in the wellness sector her focus is on supporting you to become the version of you that you most desire. Using proven, successful transformational habit change techniques Heather will work through a system of support and accountability so that you take a journey of rediscovery, learning a positive relationship with yourself and making healthy habits become long term behavioural change. Find out more about Heather’s work at https://www.facebook.com/thewholebodycoach/ 

Claire Foster -
On Point Relaxation

Claire brings over 10 years of experience to her home based salon, designed with total relaxation and escape in mind.  Offering treatments ranging from deep tissue massage to hot stone treatments, for both pregnancy and postnatal. Each massage is tailored to meet your specific needs, whether you have been suffering from a niggly shoulder, or holding tension headaches. Claire also offers services ranging from waxing, tinting, full body exfoliation and spa wraps, and stock a range of retail products including topical magnesium by Amazing Oils & Fisiocrem.
View her services at https://www.facebook.com/OnPointRelaxationBeautySpaMassage/

If you have a business in the Perth area and would like to be involved in partnering to better parents antenatally and postnatally, please contact me.  I’d love to chat fiona@fionarogerson.com.au